Gateway to the Gulf - Perdido Pass - A brief history
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(OBA®) – If there is one thing from the history of Orange Beach that people can point to today as a key to how this area developed, it’s Perdido Pass.
A pass from Perdido Bay to the Gulf of Mexico has always been vital to the fishing business in Orange Beach. But its first location was close to where the Flora-Bama Lounge and Package Store is today. According to “Orange Beach, Alabama, the Best Place to Be” by Margaret Childress Long and Michael D. Shipler, that first pass dates back to at least the 1830s. When Pleasure and Ono Islands were still part of the mainland. Book outlets. “It was Point Ornocor, a peninsula extending from what is now Alabama Point, that is until the 1906 hurricane,” the pair wrote in the book. It…1471 Views, 0 Comments